Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April Update

So sorry that I've neglected all of you! My schedule has been a little crazy the last week or so. Not a whole lot happening around here. Joe was kind enough to handle some laundry last week and the little video camera my dad got us that i've been using to post videos....uh, let's just say that the camera got a good cleaning too. Sufficed to say, we ordered a new one on Amazon yesterday.

I'll just post some of my latest pictures.

A few of Jay, hanging out on Ellie's bed. He is sitting up--what seems like a little more balanced these days. He is definitely getting more personality and knows what he wants. He watches Ellie like a hawk & smiles all the time at her--even laughs at her when she dances around.

I took Ellie to get her haircut last weekend too. For those of you not familiar with my curly-haired cutie, she has CURLS!!! Lots of them. The gals in her schools say, "her hair is wild" but they love it.

So I took her to the fancy place in Buckhead this time. I wish they would cut my hair.

So here is the before picture...

And here is the during picture. ...note, the lollipop and that she watching THE BEE MOVIE in front of her.
And this would be the AFTER picture. Notice all the cr*p (i'm trying to not curse, since this is a family site) she racked up on ...the sunglasses, the blue jewels in her hair, the new Tinkerbell purse.

So she had a great weekend last weekend too....her favorite idol came for a short afternoon visit.

"Mommy, I want to play with Sam, she is my cousin and my friend" Sam popped over and they hung out outside. They helped me plant basil in the garden and then we sipped on a little chocolate rice milk & ate popcorn. They are so adorable together. I really hope they are close cousins & friends the way Jill & I are. I miss you, Jill. Where are you???????

So this past weekend was a little nuts. We had people over on Saturday to help receive our piano. We ate & drank and watched the rain outside. Sunday was uneventful with the rain.

More to come--i just need the week to catch up!!!
Hope everyone is doing well. Let me know how you are.

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